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Thematic symposium 1 -Borders and cross-border relations in colonial America
Sebastián Gómez (Universidad de Antioquia)
Alírio Cardoso (UFMA)
Thematic symposium 2 - Ideas, practices and representations of the Jesuit mission in modernity: colonialism and coloniality in the Americas, Asia and Africa
Fábio Eduardo Cressoni (Unilab)
Raimundo Moreira das Neves Neto (IFPA)
Thematic symposium 3- Slavery and Crossbreending in connected perspectives: peoples and places in their forms of work, sociabilities and religiosities. (16th-19th centuries)
Gian Carlo de Melo Silva (UFAL)
Isnara Pereira Ivo (UESB)
Thematic symposium 4- Government and domination: practices and discursive strategies in the administration of Portuguese America
Marco Antônio Silveira (UFOP)
Sílvia Rachi(PUC-MG)
Thematic symposium 5- Cultural and educational practices and institutions in colonial America
Álvaro de Araújo Antunes (UFOP)
Kelly Lislie Julio (UFMA)
Thematic symposium 6- Institutions and trade
Daniel Strum (USP)
Jesús Bohorquez(ICS-UL)
Thematic symposium 7- The government of justice: powers, institutions and magistrates (17th-19th centuries)
Antônio Filipe Pereira Caetano (UFAL)
Isabele de Matos Pereira de Mello (UFF)
Angela Ballone (Università di Sassari)
Thematic symposium 8 - Art in Portuguese America: iconology, iconography and intertextuality
André Cabral Honor (UnB)
Camila Fernanda Guimarães Santiago (UFRB)
Thematic symposium 9 - Representations of Africa and the Orient: ways of reading and thinking Portuguese domains from colonial to post-colonial
Patrícia Souza de Faria (UFRRJ)
Roberta Guimarães Franco (UFLA)
Thematic symposium 10- Written Culture in the Iberian colonial world: manuscripts and printed matter
Juliana Gesuelli Meirelles (PUC-Campinas)
Nívia Pombo (UERJ)
Thematic symposium 11- History and Law: property and right of access in Portuguese America
Marina Monteiro Machado (UERJ)
Gustavo César Machado Cabral (UFC)
Thematic symposium 12- A kingdom and its republics: slavery, government and society (16th-18th centuries)
Roberto Guedes Ferreira (UFRRJ)
Ana Paula Pereira da Costa (UFJF)
Thematic symposium 13- Spaces of the family: conflicts and solidarities in the colonial world.
Ana Silvia Volpi Scott (Unicamp)
Carlos de Almeida Prado Bacellar (USP)
Thematic symposium 14- Dimensions of Catholicism in the Portuguese Empire: institutions, practices and representations (16th-18th centuries)
Anderson José Machado de Oliveira (Unirio)
Beatriz Catão Cruz Santos (UFRJ)
Thematic symposium 15- Subjects, practices and institutions in the Iberian monarchies and their overseas domains
Maria Fernanda Bicalho (UFF)
George Félix Cabral de Souza (UFPE)
Thematic symposium 16 - Revolts, Inconfidences and Independences: episodes, powers and narratives of the political struggles in Brazil – 17th-19th centuries
André Figueiredo Rodrigues (Unesp)
Luciano Raposo de Almeida Figueiredo (UFF)
Thematic symposium 17- The luso-atlantic space in global perspective: circulation, power and networks in the context of the union of Iberian crowns, 1580-1640
José Manuel Santos (Universidad de Salamanca)
José Luis Ruiz-Peinado (Universidad de Barcelona)
Thematic symposium 18- The Farm, Contracts and Contractors in Portuguese America, 17th and 18th centuries
Luiz Antônio Silva Araújo (UFSB)
Rafael Chambouleyron (UFPA)
Thematic symposium 19- Government, Administration and Law in Portuguese America (16th-19th centuries)
Victor Hugo Abril (UFRPE)
Maria Isabel Siqueira (Unirio)
Thematic symposium 20- Governments, administration and powers in the Portuguese empire between the 16th and 19th centuries
Reinaldo Forte Carvalho (UPE)
Jonas Wilson Pegoraro (UEPG)
Thematic symposium 21- Militias in Portuguese America: the military dynamics and its architecture of power in the 17th and 18th centuries
Christiane Figueiredo Pagano de Mello (UFOP)
Rodrigo Ceballos (UFCG)
Thematic symposium 22 - Disputes and controversies - Morphology of the cultural wars in the Modern Era
Carlos Ziller Camenietzki (UFRJ)
Renato Franco (UFF)
Thematic symposium 23- Religious Intolerance and Social Discrimination in the Atlantic World of the Modern Era
Georgina Santos (UFF)
Bruno Silva (UNIFESSPA)
Thematic symposium 24 - Women in colonial Brazil: migratory processes, relational dynamics, daily knowledge and practices
Antônio Otaviano Vieira Junior (UFPA)
Marize Helena de Campos (UFMA)
Thematic symposium 25 - Approaches, themes and research in historical and colonial archeology in Brazilian space
Roberto Airon Silva (UFRN)
Thematic symposium 26 - Iberian Empires in the Ancient Regime: politics, society and culture
Mônica da Silva Ribeiro (UFRRJ)
Thematic symposium 27- Edify or Transgress? Inquisition, clergy and religious connections in the Iberian and colonial worlds
Daniela Calainho (UERJ)
Thematic symposium 28 - Atlantic Slavery in Iberian Empires: Studies of the past, problems of the present
Denise Vieira Demétrio (UFF);
Thematic symposium 29 - Indigenous people in Colonial Brazil: territorialities, indigenist policies, indigenous agencies re-signified in the writing of recent history.
Juciene Ricarte Apolinário (UFCG);
Mariana Albuquerque Dantas (UVA).
Thematic symposium 30 - Colonial city in the 17th and 18th : same object, different approaches.
Rubenilson Brazão Teixeira (UFRN);
Maria Berthilde Moura Filha (UFPB);
Clóvis Ramiro Jucá Neto (UFC).
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