1. Registration is done exclusively by electronic means. Proponents are requested to carefully read all the instructions provided, in order to avoid possible problems with the registration.
2. Registrations can be done in one of the following categories:
Paper presenter on symposium/panel
Banner presenter
Attendance only
3. The registration fees for each category are as follows:
4. We request attention to the correct completion of all fields of the registration form, in particular in the "Name" and "Paper Title" fields, if applicable, to avoid later problems in issuing the certificates.
5. There will be no refund of any registration amount. In the event that a proposal is not accepted by the scientific committee, , the proponent may use the amount already paid to enroll in another category.
6. Workshop registration is to attend a specific workshop. To register for a workshop, one must fill out the field “Workshop” on the registration form, and add the value of this category in the deposit. Workshop registration does not exempt from payment of the registration fees in other forms of participation. When you register, you must choose 3 (three) Workshop options from among those listed on the event page, classified as 1st, 2nd and 3rd options. If the workshop chosen in the 1st option is already completed or canceled because it does not reach the minimum required number of participants (20), the enrollee will be reallocated to the 2nd option, and so on. The maximum number of seats in each panel is 30, but it may be extended, at the discretion of the Organizing Committee, in agreement with the responsible instructor. In such cases, the order of registration will be respected.
7. PhD candidates proposing a workshop will have their registration fee for presenting a paper in a symposium waived.
8. To propose a workshop, one has to have at least a Master’s degree or higher.
9. Graduate and undergraduate students with presenting a banner can choose to enroll in a workshop.