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Título 1
Written Culture and the Uses of Correspondence in the 18th Century: Interdisciplinary Approaches to the Letters of the 2nd Marquis of Lavradio.
Fabiano Vilaça dos Santos (UERJ)
Adriana Angelita da Conceição (UFSC)
Leonardo Lennertz Marcotulio (UFRJ)
African, Indian and mestizo slavery in Ibero-America: mobility strategies and negotiation mechanisms in a comparative perspective.
Eduardo França Paiva (UFMG);
Camila Loureiro Dias (Unicamp);
Jaime ValenzuelaMarquez(Pontifícia Universidad Católica de Chile);
Jane Landers (Vanderbilt University).
Papers, letters, notebooks and texts. Materiality and interpretation of manuscripts and printed in the Modern Period.
Rodrigo Bentes Monteiro (UFF);
Márcia Almada (UFMG);
André de Melo Araújo (UnB).
Houses, shacks and huts: spaces of welcome and sociability in the Ibero-American world.
Leila Mezan Algranti (Unicamp);
Maria Aparecida de Menezes Borrego (USP);
José Carlos Viladarga (Unifesp);
José Newton Coelho Meneses(UFMG).
The Luso-Brazilian illustration around schoolars, utility and education.
Antonio Cesar de Almeida Santos (UFPR);
Thaís Nívia de Lima e Fonseca (UFMG);
Cláudio Denipoti (UEPG).
History and historiography of Dutch Brazil: administration, slavery and war (1630-1654).
Pablo Magalhães (UFOB);
Bruno Miranda (UFRPE);
Rômulo Luiz Xavier do Nascimento (UFPE).
Governments, social mobilities, slavery and miscegenation in the colonial world.
Márcio de Sousa Soares (UFF);
Maria Lemke (UFG);
Eliane Garcindo de Sá (UERJ);
Cristina de Cássia Pereira Moraes (UFG).
The Holy Office in Brazil: Reflections on the inquisitorial visits regarding the 400 years of the Visitation in Bahia.
Yllan de Mattos (UFRRJ);
Ronaldo Vainfas (UFF/UFRN);
Angelo Adriano Faria de Assis (UFV);
Pollyanna Gouveia Mendonça Muniz (UFMA).
Round table 10 - Governors, military and ombudsmen: challenges of government over territories and populations in border areas of Portuguese America.
Nauk Maria de Jesus (UFGD);
José Inaldo Chaves Júnior (UNIFESSPA);
Adriano Comissoli (UFSM).
Iberian roots of colonial justice in the Americas.
Jose Demetrio de La Puente Brunke (Pontíficia Universidad Católica del Perú);
Rafael Ruiz Gonzalez (Unifesp);
Jeannie da Silva Menezes (UFRPE).
Colonial cartography: production and circulation.
Maria de Fátima Costa (UFMT)
Artur Henrique Franco Barcelos (FURG);
Andréa Doré (UFPR).
Between hierarchies, powers and costum: trends of historiography on Portuguese America.
Antonio Carlos Jucá de Sampaio (UFRJ);
Cláudia Atallah (UFF);
Maria Sarita Mota (ISCTE).
Illustrated cosmopolitanism and localism: Luso-American institutions, languages and trajectories.
Lorelai Brilhante Kury(UERJ);
Íris Kantor(USP);
Gustavo Henrique Tuna (Global Editora);
Breno Ferraz Leal Ferreira (Unicamp).
From the service to the king to the seduction of power. The public and the private between speeches and practices in Portuguese America.
Marcos Aurélio de Paula Pereira (UnB);
Fábio Kühn (UFRGS);
Cláudia Chaves (UFOP);
Adriana Romeiro (UFMG).
Colonial Religious Sensitivity: History and Image.
Maria de Deus Beites Manso (Universidade de Évora);
Carla Mary S. Oliveira (UFPB);
Maria Cláudia Almeida Orlando Magnani (UFVJM);
Maria Emília Monteiro Porto (UFRN).
The Mine in Minas. African history, culture, language and diaspora in the eighteenth century.
Mariza Soares (UFF);
Moacir Rodrigo de Castro Maia (UFMG);
Aldair Rodrigues (Unicamp);
Ivana Stolze Lima(Fundação Casa de Rui Barbosa).
Government of peoples, Just War and public welfare: itineraries of natural law and moral theology in the Portuguese Empire.
Silvia Patuzzi (UFF);
Carlos Alberto de Moura Zeron (USP);
Pedro Calafate (Universidade de Lisboa);
Bruno Feitler (Unifesp).
Centers, peripheries, hinterlands and archipelagos: colonial Brazil after Russell-Wood.
Ângela Domingues (Universidade de Lisboa);
Judy Bieber (University of New Mexico);
Kittiya Lee (California State University).
Slavery and society: reflections and comparisons between Brazil and Africa.
Marcus Carvalho (UFPE);
Suely Almeida (UFRPE);
Helder Macedo (UFRN).
The Human Dimensions in the Construction of Colonial History in Latin America.
Ernst Pijning (Minot State University);
Karen Graubart (University of Notre Dame);
Bianca Premo (Florida International University).
Beyond the South Atlantic: slave trade and global economy (18th century)
Gustavo Acioli Lopes (UFRPE);
Carlos Silva (University of Hull);
Leonardo Marques (UFF);
Maximiliano Menz (Unifesp).
Themes and problems on history of Indigenous people in Portuguese America.
Vania Losada (UFRRJ);
Almir Diniz de Carvalho Junior (UFAM);
Fernanda Spósito (Unifesp).
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